PVC - Poly Vinyl Chloride

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PVC Repair-Sticks (25 Sticks at 20 cm) Grey

PVC Repair-Sticks (25 Sticks at 20 cm) Grey

Grey Hard-PVC Repairsticks for welding and repairs.

7,90 EUR
1,58 EUR per m
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
PVC Repair-Sticks (25 Sticks at 20 cm) White

PVC Repair-Sticks (25 Sticks at 20 cm) White

White Hard-PVC Repairsticks for welding and repairs.

7,90 EUR
1,58 EUR per m
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
PVC Repair-Sticks (25 Sticks at 20 cm) Transparent

PVC Repair-Sticks (25 Sticks at 20 cm) Transparent

Transparent Hard-PVC Repairsticks for welding and repairs.

7,90 EUR
1,58 EUR per m
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
PVC-soft Repair-Sticks (25 Sticks at 20 cm) Transparent

PVC-soft Repair-Sticks (25 Sticks at 20 cm) Transparent

Soft-PVC Repairsticks for welding and repairs.

7,90 EUR
1,58 EUR per m
19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs


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